Monday, August 22, 2011

How do you deal with your pain?

In an effort to live the best life possible with a medical condition that is a source of pain, I found it necessary to 'outwit' my pain. I know people do this on a daily basis by finding ways to alleviate their discomfort.

Of course, consistency and a regular schedule minimize the degree to which pain accumulates. We all know that taking medications as prescribed, eating right, exercising, and getting a good nights rest will make one feel  better, but, the truth is its not that simple. There are too many factors that interfere. Often, it's the pain that causes us to stray off a healthy regimen. And, too often, it's the actual pain medication that adds a layer of additional misery.

Since my transplant in 1999, I discovered ways to be manage my discomfort by keeping records, researching the topic, and challenging myself. My pain is now minimal because of time and how I outwit it on a daily basis. 1.) When I first wake in the morning, while lying in bed, I cover my eyes with the palm of my hands and slowly massage my head with my fingers for about a 2 minutes(I learned about this from a guest on the Dr. Oz show).;  2.)  I tell myself that I am about to embark upon a spectacular day filled with learning and adventure in an effort to create a mindset for the day(this creative visualization varies on a day to day basis).;  3.)  I do some stretches by stretching my legs from side to side, etc.(be aware that any stretches you try should be performed appropriate with your diagnosis and ability).;  4.) I dismiss any thought of pain and continually reinforce that  with affirmative sentences like: "I am healthy, whole, and complete."; 5.) Throughout the day, I use cues to alert me of an onset of pain. Cues are individual and require action after becoming cognizant of them. Intertwined with cues I utilize self talk which is effective in confronting the pain and making it manageable.; And, 6.) Stay active with goal setting, interactions with family, friends, and a coach to help alleviate the emotional effect that pain has.

Please share any ideas you may have to overcome pain in your life. Your words can be transforming to others.

Do tell...


karen lombardi said...

Michelle, your comments on dealing with pain were so well covered, I'm having difficulty adding further comments without writing a paper. So, whether one's pain is psychological or physical...Keep calm and carry on.

Cathy Priest said...

I take an excedrin.

James Conway said...

Pain is an unpleasant sensation often associated with damage to the body. It is the feeling common to such experiences as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting iodine on a cut, and bumping the "funny bone" and is caused by activation of specialized pain-signaling nerve fibers or by damage or disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system.
Pain is a common denominator for all of us. We all have experienced some type of pain, whether it was a bee sting as a child, a broken bone,stitches or several knees surgeries from years of football injuries. However it is often another kind of pain in our lives that can be more debilitating and often hidden deep inside; emotional pain. We all experience these times of our life that are so overwhelming; the loss of employment, the death of a loved one, a broken relationship, broken dreams, disappointment, discouragement, depression and being diagnosed with an illness. We live in a world that avoids pain at all costs, yet is in so much pain. We invent new ways to experience less and less pain to experience more and more comfort, and yet it only masks a deeper pain that does not go away.
I have been wrestling with this lately about pain, because I find myself in pain alot latley. Yet in the midst of this time I have grown more spiritually during theses times. The question that I have continuously been asked by my support group is, How do we deal with pain? How do you deal with a loveones pain?
Did you know that pain is a very common occurrence in our society today. In fact, in the United States alone it is estimated that one in four individuals experience chronic pain for extended periods of time.
A painful condition can affect almost every area of one's life. It affects psychological reactions, social and environmental effects and physical effects. I have experiencing pain and feelings of:
Low motivation
There have been many studies that link changes in brain chemistry caused by chronic pain over long periods of time. Pain is both a physical and psychological experience that I know effects me in many differant ways like:
Enjoyment of life
Relationships with family and friends
One's work experience

James Conway said...

Individuals dealing with pain often feel misunderstood and alone in their pain experience. Most painful conditions are not physically apparent. When someone has a broken leg with a cast others can see this and express sympathy and understanding due to noticing their problem.
Since many painful conditions are not visible to others, it is not surprising that feelings of depression, sadness and anger happen when a person dealing with pain receives no sympathy or understanding from others.
Pain also affect one's psychological defenses as well as one's level of energy. The experience of continual pain beats on the person to where their sense of control, quality of life and enjoyment of life has turned their life upside down. There are ways to assist those dealing with chronic pain to better handle and manage the psychological, social and physical aspects of their pain. Most medical providers who treat chronic, painful conditions agree that approaching pain treatment from differant perspectives is the ideal way to help the individuals dealing with chronic pain most effectively.
A Pain Specialist, often with advanced training in Pain or even having earned a separate "degree" in Pain Medicine usually heads the team.
A Psychologist, who has studied pain and other chronic conditions, will help the person, his/her family and significant others with whom the individual interacts.
A Nurse or Physiologist, who helps the patient and the team by assisting with education of the person and family of the treatment options available and to help coordinate their care with the whole team.
A Physical Therapist, who will work with the person dealing with pain and the team to provide the best physical activities, exercises and treatments to help the person to strengthen, deal with their lack of use of a particular limb or muscle group, and help the patient better deal with activities of daily living.
A Psychiatrist might be a member of the Multi-disciplinary Team to assist with control and adjustment of the many forms of medication that people dealing with chronic pain need for pain control, depression and anxiety.
Two years ago I was asked by a doctor to attend a pain specialist and I was finally relieved to know that that my pain was going to be delt with by giving me the combination to a pain free cocktail.What I didnt expect is the clinic dealt with my pain mind, body and soul. In the early stages of my disease , I was experiencing pain and not dealing with my life.I didnt know how to deal with my pain so therefore I couldn't deal with my life! Once the I realizes that I was part of the solution to my own care and treatment, my attitude changed, which caused me to recognize with or without my pain I have to live my life. Learning to live with my life and managing the pain became my goal. I started using all the resources for pain treatment from the medical side together with my new attitude and found that I didn't need so much medication anymore. Chronic pain conditions are common, and technology is available to treat pain. Individuals suffer emotionally, physically, financially and personally. There are new treatments developing every day, around the world to help deal with these conditions. Psychological, social, environmental and physical factors must be treated at the same time. Understanding and careing is the key to treating lives of those who deal with pain, helping them have control over their lives.

Have a good one.I do!!!