Sunday, January 29, 2012

Believing in tomorrow

Have you ever just stopped whatever you were doing and thought, "I just can't deal with this any longer!" It can be anything. Those moments when you feel like quitting or giving up. You don't want to be sick anymore, you don't want to take your medication, you don't want to see another doctor, you don't want to go to work or care for others. The list is endless. What you really need is to feel peace, calm and comfort.

When feeling like this, it's time to stop and reevaluate your situation. It's a good time to share these feelings with your coach, a friend or a family member. It's the time to go ahead and scream out loud, take a long walk, or just get down on your knees and pray. It's the time to believe in tomorrow. Because, it's in the morning that you start all over - whether it be one day closer to healing or one day closer to your dreams. We are all heading somewhere and by believing in tomorrow we are opening a place to create. When we create we are alive! We can plan, contemplate, make changes, choose better options, seek second opinions, or simply follow a chosen course.  

Tomorrow is a new day---BELIEVE in the possibilities!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Slipping away

Seems appropriate to use the word slipping in the month of January and, in fact, that is what many of us are doing while walking and driving in the snowy parts of the world. What are some other ways in which we tend to slip? We forget to take our medication on time, or slip a cupcake or candy bar into our meal when dieting, or even slip and spend too much money.

Then there is slipping away to rest, or to read a book, perhaps, to take a short vacation, or to slip away with a friend. And, of course, there is probably someone that you have 'given the slip!'

So whether your sliding, losing someone, making an error or eluding one, sneaking, or stumbling, there are many ways in which we 'slip.'  For the sake of thought and action, notice how your slipping away this week. You'll be surprised how often you slip!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Your Library

Collecting information and learning all there is to know about what ails you is essential. After a diagnosis there are so many challenges. Becoming informed translates into a wealth of knowledge usually in the form of books and publications. Before you know it, you have amassed a library of reference material to support and enlighten you about how to manage your life.

The book, "The Power of Self-Coaching, The Five Essential Steps To Creating The Life You Want," was a welcomed and empowering book into my library because it helped me during those times when my coach wasn't available. When managing an illness, reading material that will help motivate and encourage you to maintain optimism, well-being, and healthy relationships is a worthy endeavor and necessary.

Make it a goal in 2012 to build your library. Read books, magazine articles, and publications that help you strive to be the best you can be as you persevere through the daily routine of medication, work, duties, doctor's visits etc. With the knowledge that will accompany your reading, know that you are building a foundation to build upon. And you know with a strong foundation, the possibilities are endless.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A year of distinction

Here it is, the second week of the New Year. Whether or not you made a resolution, you still have a whole year ahead to plot your course.  As a coach, I ask:  will you make it a year of distinction? How will you set yourself apart and shine?

Knowing there are so many days ahead with doctor visits, medication, and not feeling well, the last thing on your mind is a resolution or a goal. At one time I was very ill so I understand the dynamic. But, I didn't really like all the suffering.  Do you?  What if you decide to set yourself apart from sickness and suffering?  How could you be different? What can you do this day to set a different course for the year? As a coach, I invite you to ponder an alternative to illness. I invite you to change the thoughts that currently prevail in your thinking. Challenge each with an illuminating thought or perspective.  Stand up and declare 'wholeness' as yours. Walk with an air of distinction that says to the world, "I am whole, healthy, and complete!"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year's Mindset

What does the New Year mean for you? Will you awake each morning asking to be guided toward your highest good? Will you choose to recognize your internal dialogue so that you say kind words to yourself? Will you work to remain optimistic and joyful? Will you set goals?

There are so many choices to make as we step into a New Year. You can declare a mindset, with the goal being to be clear and undaunted in whatever pursuit you decide. A mindset is something in which you give most of your focus. A coach would ask you questions that would help you notice your feelings and use your intuition as a guide. How truly fortunate to have the wisdom and guidance within to know.

In this New Year, please remember that you have the ability and power to develop whatever you choose. Let your intuition be your guide and use your mindset to focus on that special goal, something in particular, something important to you, something you like to do, or something that feels right. Name your mindset and embark upon your journey as it's your choice.