Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Winter's Walk

As I finished off another cookie, after eating a countless number of them, I sat back in my recliner and smiled as I gazed out the window on this snow covered December day. I thought to myself, how wonderful it is to be alive and enjoy the beauty that the season brings forth! The idea of comfort and joy filled my senses and I literally forgot that I ever suffered or that I ever would.

I, then, considered alternatives to the uncomfortable thoughts that I had been plagued with over the last few weeks. The thoughts, stimulated by the side effects of medication and remembrances of my transplant and neck fusion, had overcome my rational mind and allowed me to feel unwell and incomplete. So, I put on my long johns and a heavy coat and went for a walk that ended in a three mile jaunt! I was able to do it  because of my decision over twelve years ago to challenge illness. While recovering after the two life changing surgeries, I made myself, no matter how bad I felt, take a walk. The weather conditions didn't matter.  I told  myself that I was tough and I could do it.

There are many things in my life that I still need to overcome and do. I have been postponing change because of uncertainty. I am happy to know that this week I have several coaching sessions that will encourage me to continue pursuing my hopes and dreams. I keep my dreams alive as they keep me from yielding to what afflicts me.

On this winter's day I envision continued healing and moving forward undaunted, appreciating my many blessings. I thank a winter's walk for my renewed capability. It shall serve as a memory of comfort and joy and the resiliency of the human spirit.

I call upon you to take a winter's walk and create a memory of comfort and joy for yourself. Consider challenging what afflicts you. You deserve such a beautiful gift.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Believe

Walking through the departments stores there were signs everywhere that said, "Believe." Tis the season to believe in those unseen magical ideas that we have all come to know and love regardless of our faith and/or because of it. There's a part of everyone that wants to believe that, no matter what, everything will be okay and everything is magical.

Here's an idea for the week. Believe this will be your magical season leading to a magical year where everything is okay. Believe in magic. Believe all is well. Believe it and tell everyone you know to believe it too. When whatever is ailing you strikes out, tell it you only believe in wellness and miracles.

Maybe if we all believe all is well, then, it will be. Give belief to your friends, your coach, your loved ones, and believe together.  When my doctors, family, friends, and I believed I would be well after having to experience a heart transplant, I was and I am! It works.

Just believe...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Embracing December's demands

Here we are, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, with our minds busy planning what all has to be done. And, if your like most, there is plenty! So, with all we have to do there are a few things to keep in mind, or, better yet, ask yourself everyday.

1. Am I taking my medications like I'm supposed to?
2. Am I resting enough?
3. Am I forgetting anything or anybody?
4. Do I need to speak with my coach?
5. Am I being financially responsible?
6. Am I drinking too much?
7. Add to this list the questions you know will be beneficial to you.

I guess my wish for you during this busy holiday season is to remain empowered, aware, and proactive in all you do. It's a time when it's easy to do too much. Be alert as to what you can tolerate mentally, physically, and emotionally and create a mindset that will allow you to be fully in charge of your well being. How better to show your love?

So, embrace the season's demands and be merry.