Sunday, December 4, 2011

Embracing December's demands

Here we are, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, with our minds busy planning what all has to be done. And, if your like most, there is plenty! So, with all we have to do there are a few things to keep in mind, or, better yet, ask yourself everyday.

1. Am I taking my medications like I'm supposed to?
2. Am I resting enough?
3. Am I forgetting anything or anybody?
4. Do I need to speak with my coach?
5. Am I being financially responsible?
6. Am I drinking too much?
7. Add to this list the questions you know will be beneficial to you.

I guess my wish for you during this busy holiday season is to remain empowered, aware, and proactive in all you do. It's a time when it's easy to do too much. Be alert as to what you can tolerate mentally, physically, and emotionally and create a mindset that will allow you to be fully in charge of your well being. How better to show your love?

So, embrace the season's demands and be merry.

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