Sunday, February 26, 2012

Staying open

With the end of February and the beginning of March, why not be open to the many possibilities? What is on the horizon for you?  What have you been trying to accomplish? Now is the time to be true to yourself and to find what you've been seeking. 

The challenge is out to consider what you need, desire, and want. Then to formulate action steps to make it happen. With spring around the corner what better time than now? Ask your coach, your family members, and your friends for support as you embrace every opportunity that presents itself to make your life better. Do not put it off any longer.

You are capable and powerful no matter what your situation. Please be true to yourself and take action. Just do it now. It's your time!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Your Heart.

Today I attended a Trio (Transplant Recipients International Organization) meeting at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa., and the topic was heart health for women. The Cardiologist who spoke emphasized the need for each and everyone of  us to care of our hearts. He gave us a plethora of information that I wish to share with you. Heart disease kills 1 in every 4 women in America. Heart disease is the #1 killer of American women-no matter what their race or ethnicity.

I challenge everyone to follow the doctor's orders and pledge to have their blood pressure, blood cholesterol, fasting plasma glucose(diabetes test), body mass index (BMI) and waste circumference, an electrocardiogram, and a stress test as soon as you can to make sure your heart is well, especially if you are between the ages of 40 and 60. Do it this month.

Please become aware of the signs and symptoms of heart disease and pay attention to what your body is telling you as you navigate through your day to day activities. This may save your life. If you need more information the following websites will help: (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). (American Heart Association) Both men and women. (Office of Women's Health, DHHS  National Women's Health Information Center). (Women'sHeart: the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease).

Please remember the risk factors:
High blood pressure
High blood chloresterol
Physical inactivity
Family history of heart disease
Age (55 and older for women)

Again, I urge you to be proactive in your health care. It is vital and you are important! Here's to a healthy heart!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February is for "Hearts!"

Feeling my beating heart. Smiling as I consider the wonder of it. Thinking of the people I love. Dreaming of what they will become--what I might become--what you might become. All because we have a heart.

Knowing what's in my heart. Envisioning ways to achieve it. Considering those who could be an integral part. Imagining the destination--my destination--your destination. All because we seek to find the 'heart' of it all.

Believing my heart will stay strong. Wanting so much. Hoping everyone will be strong. Experiencing all of my life--while you are experiencing all of your life. All because our hearts are beating.

Our heart let us feel, dream, know, consider, imagine, believe, hope, and experience all that we wish. How unbelievably fortunate we are.

Hurray for the heart!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl

Striving to win!! That's the theme of the Super Bowl. Talent abounds as each athlete vies for victory and recognition displaying years of tenacity and perseverance in front of millions. It's definitely a sight to see and worthy of acclaim as you ponder what's involved to achieve such heights. Then, consider the half-time show with it's glitter, lights, and song. It's components intricately timed to provide the ultimate flawless result. We watch this in awe.

There is so much to be grateful for in this life when you witness human potential. And, each one of us has an untapped capacity that either we have not engaged or believed we were unable to develop. What is the difference between the one who does achieve and the one who doesn't? It's something to consider.

I offer a challenge to those of us who have the good fortune to watch the Super Bowl. Let us consider how we might engage our untapped ability and develop it. Perhaps to overcome the challenges we face with our health, our relationships, or our secret ambition. Whatever it is for you, become great in how you manage it. Give it your best by being tenacious and persevering through the rough times. If you need a spark, think of the superstars at the Super Bowl for renewed vitality. Talk with you coach and win a Super Bowl!