Sunday, January 8, 2012

A year of distinction

Here it is, the second week of the New Year. Whether or not you made a resolution, you still have a whole year ahead to plot your course.  As a coach, I ask:  will you make it a year of distinction? How will you set yourself apart and shine?

Knowing there are so many days ahead with doctor visits, medication, and not feeling well, the last thing on your mind is a resolution or a goal. At one time I was very ill so I understand the dynamic. But, I didn't really like all the suffering.  Do you?  What if you decide to set yourself apart from sickness and suffering?  How could you be different? What can you do this day to set a different course for the year? As a coach, I invite you to ponder an alternative to illness. I invite you to change the thoughts that currently prevail in your thinking. Challenge each with an illuminating thought or perspective.  Stand up and declare 'wholeness' as yours. Walk with an air of distinction that says to the world, "I am whole, healthy, and complete!"

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