Sunday, January 29, 2012

Believing in tomorrow

Have you ever just stopped whatever you were doing and thought, "I just can't deal with this any longer!" It can be anything. Those moments when you feel like quitting or giving up. You don't want to be sick anymore, you don't want to take your medication, you don't want to see another doctor, you don't want to go to work or care for others. The list is endless. What you really need is to feel peace, calm and comfort.

When feeling like this, it's time to stop and reevaluate your situation. It's a good time to share these feelings with your coach, a friend or a family member. It's the time to go ahead and scream out loud, take a long walk, or just get down on your knees and pray. It's the time to believe in tomorrow. Because, it's in the morning that you start all over - whether it be one day closer to healing or one day closer to your dreams. We are all heading somewhere and by believing in tomorrow we are opening a place to create. When we create we are alive! We can plan, contemplate, make changes, choose better options, seek second opinions, or simply follow a chosen course.  

Tomorrow is a new day---BELIEVE in the possibilities!

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