Sunday, June 2, 2013

Resentment, is all well?

Oxford defines resentment as feeling indignation at, be aggrieved by. Or, bitter, jealous, envious, or annoyed. Malice.

Those words change emotions, are worrisome, and insidious. They cause defensiveness, concern.  I say, "Ouch!"  A great time to be a Buddhist!

And, what would Buddha say?  "Better than a thousand hollow words, is one that brings peace."

Think of the difference in how you feel when you say the word:  resentment, malice and when you say: peace, calm.

Confucious says:  "The more men meditate on good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large."

So, for this week, just because, let go of all resentments, focus on peace and calm. And know, that all is well.

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