Sunday, November 25, 2012

The merry-go-round

Your in the exam room of your doctor's office awaiting his/her entrance. Your doctor of 5 plus years walks in and says, "hello and how have you been feeling?" You proceed to tell about your symptoms and how the last medication prescribed isn't working for you because of the side effects. A new prescription is written with the hope that the side effects will be less bothersome. It's the 2nd or maybe 3rd medication you tried in an effort to cope with the issue.

The merry-go-round of doctor's visits, prescription medications, side effects, and experimentation to feel okay -- to be okay. And, commercials on TV tell you about new drugs recently approved and on the market. The ads recommend you tell your doctor you might benefit from their use. So you keep trying new medications to feel better. In the back of your mind your wondering how all the chemicals are affecting your biology and psychology. What are the long term effects?

There are so many scenarios that reflect the layers of dis'ease' that are present and a result of illness. So  many reasons to step back and take a closer look at what is happening in the process. Can you deny that it is chipping away the rational mind?

There are many ways to heal. Talk to someone you trust, maybe your coach to examine your dis'ease.'  It could mean the difference between illness and well being.

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