Sunday, July 8, 2012

Maintaining Balance

Maintaining well being requires thought, prudence, reward, and action. Ultimately the goal is to stay in balance. In the absence of balance we could display rigid self denial or excessive overindulgence. There are times to make exceptions and allow yourself a treat.  A treat is something for  special  occasions or for giving yourself a lift.  But, treating yourself all the time is self-deception.  Like when you eat too much and then over indulge in exercise to compensate. You're out of balance, both physically and psychologically. 

Coaching helps identify triggers for the self deception that creates the imbalance.  Conversations revolve around the causes and then how to manage them so that you maintain balance.  Sometimes working with a personal trainer or a good friend will keep you motivated to stay in balance. These proven approaches will help you form better habits that will come automatically.  A quote I read says, "be always at war with your vices." War is a strong word, but, somehow appropriate because it often feels like a battle.

Summer is a good time to start new habits because we're more active and tend to eat less.  It's also a time when we may slack in other areas as well.  So, for this week, I challenge you to discover ways, with your coach, to maintain your balance. Make a plan, be consistent, practice prudence, and have that occasional treat.  The benefits will be extraordinary!

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