Sunday, November 13, 2011

To laugh

Have you laughed yet today? Visualizing your world where there is no laughter is sad. Visualizing your world consumed with joy and laughter is invigorating, refreshing, life enhancing. Take a minute and visualize each: a world without laughter -- sickness, hunger, fatigue, sorrow...  Now, take a moment and visualize a world with laughter -- sunshine, joy, health, gratitude, friendship, love... Which do you prefer?

A well known coach sent me a 'gem' in the following quote:
"Sometimes the best helping hand you can get is a good, firm push."  Joanne Thomas.

Today, I push you to laugh...
                                  out loud, with friends, to yourself, or, any ole way!

1 comment: said...

Thanks Michelle. I needed a reminder of the healing power of laughter. This put a smile on my face for the untold fun that lies ahead. Peace Will