Sunday, October 16, 2011


Without a doubt, travel is necessary.  Deviating from a regular schedule to take a trip often causes anxiety, confusion, and fatigue. When dealing with a medical condition, the change in routine is relevant because you are already predisposed to precarious health. One thing to remember is to take charge!

By taking charge, you are empowered.  You remove negative consequences by realizing what triggers symptoms, like, not enough rest, sleeping irregular hours, too much activity, and irregular meals. So, the second thing to do is make a plan. Have a conversation with a coach, friend, or relative who can help you devise a strategy.

Third, review your plan. Make sure you have all your remedies in place, a strategy for your self care, and anything else you will need to overcome distress. This clears the way for you to finalize the travel arrangements without distraction.

Finally, relax and  have a great time knowing you are in charge of your wellbeing!


coachjen said...

Very practical - a great reminder. Thanks Michelle!

Michelle said...

Please leave any tips you may have.