Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye 2012

I'm not sure about you, but, I am thrilled to say goodbye to 2012! It was a tough year. How was it for you?  No, never mind--just leave it behind!

2012 was:
taxing, financially difficult, full of change, unforgiving, reluctant, discouraging, frantic, disturbing, unhealthy, uncomfortable, disruptive...etc. And, that's just the beginning of the reasons.

Yet, I/we survived it. And, the world didn't end!

I don't know about you, but, in 2013, I am going to take my POWER back! How about you?

My wish for everyone is that the coming year is healthy and prosperous.. So, Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Warmth and caring

Think about a time or times when you felt cared about. Remember the warmth it produced throughout your entire being. Wow, what a nice feeling, because the thoughts allowed for greater expression, comfort, relaxation, and good humor. In those moments was the desire to love, to share, to give.

Where has the warmth and the caring gone? Where is the kindness, the gentleness? Where is the safety? Are we really at the mercy of bullies, guns, madness, and chaos? What is it that makes someone depraved, lethal?  Did they ever receive warmth and caring?

Let us not what until next year. Let us begin right NOW to spread warmth and caring to those we come in contact with. Let us DECIDE it's the only way to be. Let us coach one another to be gentle and to listen for the words that hurt, oppress, criticize, and harm - so that we may discard them for words and expressions of warmth, caring, hope, and peace.

What will become of us if we don't change the momentum?

Sunday, December 16, 2012


"If we don't get lost, we'll never find a new route."
Joan Littlewood

In so many ways our lives are redirected. Events, people, circumstances, illness--all challenging our perspectives, ideas, values, and beliefs. We are stunned and feel lost.

When it's unfair, we cannot help but want an explanation -- a reason, so that we might explain to our psyche what it all means. When we understand there is no explanation, we ask, how can that be? There must be something we can do?

At this juncture, all we have is a blank page. All that's left is to overcome the grief and the loss. With our chins up and deep breaths we continue on by accepting. Perhaps it is good to consider the logic which purports that life is an illusion. Bad events aren't real. Or, maybe to just remember to talk about it and say, 'whatever gets you through the night is alright.' I remember my mother always said to me, "after a good night's rest, you will be okay, because with the rising of the sun comes a new day to begin again."

So, we just do that - we begin again and work to find a new way. As we stand up and use our voice to demand better, hopefully, we will find a peaceful route.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


There are so many stories out there. Stories of hope, perseverance, humility, kindness, etc. Think about all the different emotions felt when listening to the stories of others. Did you ever stop to really think about the plight of another? To pretend as if you stand in their shoes?

Makes me consider the plight of the person in a wheel chair, the fire victim, the homeless man, the homeless woman, the cancer patient, the prisoner, the caretaker, the doctor, the soldier. All of them and all their stories.

I went to a Christmas party today. In the midst of all of those that mingled, I learned bits and pieces of stories. Some were grand, filled with hope and promise, some were rather bleak due to illness, but, all were indicative of a much bigger picture--a stage portraying the cycle of life, for some were old, some young, and some in the middle. The one thing in common, was the desire to tell their story, to communicate their thoughts, to be heard.

Then, I thought about how each of those stories weave together to form this life-this world. I remembered the movie, "How to Make an American Quilt." I watched it today before the Christmas party.

We cannot hear every story, or capture every meaning, but, we can take time to listen to one another's stories, if only to let each other be heard.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Which point of view

A recent conversation made me realize the value of listening to other points of view. You know, to decide if you want to challenge what is said, remain true to what you originally thought, or discard the view completely and decide on something new. It sparked contemplation.

Did you ever notice, though, a point of view that someone has on Tuesday is sometimes completely different on Wednesday? My observation has been that views change with the wind or better yet, with a different thought. For example, I was told that a blog about coaching becomes repetitive. How many ways can you discuss coaching? Well, shouldn't a website about coaching that has a blog at least mention coaching? Maybe yes, maybe no...

Sure, sometime on my blog I write about things seemingly unrelated to coaching. Like, yesterday I saw the movie, "Lincoln." I was in awe of every aspect of the show, from the cinematography to the acting. It was a testament to the ability of man and demonstrated the challenge that our democracy presents. How does it relate to coaching?

Everyday, whether via self-talk, or listening to others, we are being coached. We are making decisions, sometime unconsciously, as to what our view is on matters. Using Lincoln's style could prove very useful in developing a point a view about health, dealing with pain and suffering, and overseeing change. Consciously listening to what is being said, and either embracing it or discarding it is self coaching. At least, for today, this Sunday, that's my point of view.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The merry-go-round

Your in the exam room of your doctor's office awaiting his/her entrance. Your doctor of 5 plus years walks in and says, "hello and how have you been feeling?" You proceed to tell about your symptoms and how the last medication prescribed isn't working for you because of the side effects. A new prescription is written with the hope that the side effects will be less bothersome. It's the 2nd or maybe 3rd medication you tried in an effort to cope with the issue.

The merry-go-round of doctor's visits, prescription medications, side effects, and experimentation to feel okay -- to be okay. And, commercials on TV tell you about new drugs recently approved and on the market. The ads recommend you tell your doctor you might benefit from their use. So you keep trying new medications to feel better. In the back of your mind your wondering how all the chemicals are affecting your biology and psychology. What are the long term effects?

There are so many scenarios that reflect the layers of dis'ease' that are present and a result of illness. So  many reasons to step back and take a closer look at what is happening in the process. Can you deny that it is chipping away the rational mind?

There are many ways to heal. Talk to someone you trust, maybe your coach to examine your dis'ease.'  It could mean the difference between illness and well being.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Woe is me

Everyone dreads listening to the complaining friend or relative who is always sick. The "woe is me" speaker. It's tiresome especially if you don't feel well yourself. Sometimes you don't know what to say yet your realize people need to talk about what ails them. They need someone to listen because being sick is frightening and isolating.

Did you ever turn the other way in the grocery store to avoid someone so you wouldn't have to listen to the current ache of the cancer patient, or transplant recipient? Did you ever think to yourself, " I think there is something more than cancer wrong with that one!"

When you have a medical condition, you can be sure that there is dis'ease' in your thinking. That's why I discuss staying strong, focused, and in charge of your condition. That's why I recommend coaching. I don't want you to be avoided in the grocery store or anywhere else.

Coaching is so valuable with helping one stay empowered because it is a catalyst for planning and offering a different perspective.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Staying Empowered

Incorporating a health condition into your daily life is essential to function. Coaching is a great tool for planning your life around medication needs, doctors visits, changes in relationships, and the multitude of other  changes that are a result of the medical condition. Once you establish a routine, it's much easier to function and life becomes somewhat normal.

When I say normal, I don't mean that lightly. It's a 'new normal' for anyone who is dealing with changing health. It's worrisome, aggravating, and often scary to face the effects of a medical condition. Just when it seems fully justifiable to give up is when you MUST find a way to stay empowered. Questions worthy of your attention are: How am I going to cope with my condition? Who am I now that I am impaired? How do I see myself in 6 months, a year, 5 years? Am I going to take on this health challenge with grace and style?

There is nothing easy in it. But, the beauty of life lies in the knowledge that we have choices. To decide to stay empowered is an important one. What does that mean? Well, for instance, staying abreast of the most current medical data on your condition, following doctors orders and expanding them, testing your limits daily to encourage strength and stamina, keeping your support system on call, and creating a vision for your future.  
That's a start, and know, with all that to do, you won't have time to focus on the medical condition, instead, your focus will be on becoming the best you can be. Just take it a step at a time, a day at a time, and remember, a medical condition is just another aspect of you to embrace and mold.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


We find out this week who wins the Presidency. It's exciting and important. No matter who wins, think about America and her staying power. Will she continue to be the shining beacon for the world? Campaigns bring out information that questions this. Will America continue to shine?  Does the next President really determine this?  And, if so, which one provides the most hope?

None of us know for sure the answer to the questions, we can only speculate. How nice it would be if, no matter who the winner is, we each made a conscious decision to support that person, for if we do, we champion our America. It is all about America.

I believe that America will continue to shine no matter who wins. She will. She must. Make sure to vote.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Marketing guru Seth Godin wrote a blog on Saturday about getting rid of the 'shoulds' in your life. So, I decided to pay attention to all the 'shoulds' I use. I made a commitment to pay attention to my thinking and become aware of when I am using the 'should' language in my life. It didn't take long before I realized the frequency of 'should' in my thoughts.

Then, I became aware of the feelings I got when I used certain 'shoulds.'  I discussed many of these feelings with my coach, and realized there were some 'shoulds' that I didn't need and there were other 'shoulds,' that served me. In actuality, there are some 'shoulds' that keep me acting on the kind of life I want. Can you plan your 'shoulds' and be okay with them? Then, just get rid of the 'should's that cause unease or dissention internally? I believe you can.

I throw out a challenge to you this week. Take a look at your 'shoulds,' 'coulds,' and 'woulds' and see how they are affecting your life.  Are you planning their use strategically, or, are they your strategy? Talk to your coach and friends. See what your learn.

Should you do this?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Writing history

Most of us start out healthy and full of life. For most, life follows a path that is full of learning, working, and growing into old age.  Along the way, while experiencing the victories and defeats, they follow the laws of nature and continue on until their natural rhythm slows and old age prevails.

Then there are those who find dis'ease' in their existence and succumb to negativity. Their thoughts do not bring life, rather, they invite darkness and victimhood.  They become sicker and sicker. They live in darkness until either the disease or old age prevails.

The clock ticks on and often neither pay attention to their course until something or someone triggers a change in perspective. Then, there is spiritual learning, empathy, compassion, and gratitute, via coaching, therapy, religion, research, or simply curiosity.

All the while creating life into old age, writing our history, becoming.

What do you think?

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I remember those days of healing after my heart transplant, and how very hard they were. There was pain, loneliness, questions, confusion, anxiety, and a whole host of other dilemmas that constituted the days and nights of my life.  No one could be with me 24 hours a day to share in all of it. And, that was a good thing because it gave me the space for learning coping skills. There is power in loneliness. Although that may not be the truest statement, I pretended it was. To combat my pain, I pretended it didn't exist. I called it's persistence an annoyance and created visions of comfort, relaxation, and calm. I pretended I was bigger than it and that it had no power over me.  When the haze of confusion set in, culminating in anxiety because of it's distortions, I said a few mantras, like: "God willing and me trying---I will get through this." And, "I am in charge of how I think---confusion has no power over me!"  The other dilemmas, many of a personal nature, were chances for me to review my life, all the mistakes, heartbreaks, and wins. Once they were put into perspective, a wiser perspective prevailed.

What's my point? I think you know--the power of pretending. It sure does come in handy. You can be anything you want to be when you pretend.  When you pretend your okay--you are. When you pretend your happy--you are. When you pretend your beautiful -- you are. When you pretend your well-- you are.

As you start the week, think about the power of pretending. Talk to your coach about it. Decide to pretend. Have some fun with it. Make it work for you.

Are you pretending?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Is it a change in the weather?

Out of sorts, not feeling well, foggy--all symptoms of the change in the weather. Your either coming down with something or your immune system is combating some bug that has already arrived. Add this to a condition already present, and the effect is magnified. Who are you in this?

Looking at your symptoms and how they are affecting you says something about who you are and who you will be in the future. A symptom may be reflective of more than one thing or event. Maybe your being called to address something. Illness is an interesting thing. It will sometimes manifest as a result of something within. To delve into it is to better understand yourself. For, you may discover the answer to the question, what is the actual cause?

Sometimes it's easier to look to others for support or distraction. Or you may bake a pie, watch a tearful or funny movie, go shopping, or take a walk. All in an effort to avoid what ails you. It helps. But, the questions remains. Is it really a change in the weather?

What do you really want to consume you? Illness?  Love?  Your creativity? October ushers in Fall, a new season. With every new season, as with every day, comes an opportunity to become all that you want to become. To make important choices. To set goals. Coaching is a catalyst for change.

Who do you wish to become?


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Let it be said

All that happens in your life, all that you endure, and all that you surmount speaks volumes. The effects can be felt by those close to you. The rewards and ramifications bring learning and wisdom. This becomes who you are.  Let it be said that the book of you is being written.

With coaching, because it leads to introspection, you might decide to become proactive in the writing of your book.  You may decide to change certain themes, or change certain characters, or write new chapters. You may declare to become more. To declare means to announce formally, to state positively or emphatically, to reveal or name, to make a positive statement. There is power in a declaration.

Let it be said that you are the author, the character, the publisher, the critic, and the reader.  As you declare their place on the page, your essence revealed, a masterpiece evolves.

Please, let it be said.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Creating a phrase

Staying peaceful is a challenge, especially in the midst of a busy day.  Through coaching, tips from friends and family, and reading, one can cultivate methods to keep calm. Devising strategies, planning ahead, and speaking regularly with your coach are good ways to ensure your continual progress and success. Sometimes situations cause upset to calm no matter how proactive and in balance you are. Are you prepared for those times?

Reviewing past reactions demonstrate how you respond during trying times. Using new language, quips or comebacks might help. Or, creating a meaningful phrase that immediately causes a shift back to balance; Like a mantra-or a saying.

Schedule some time this week to 'create your phrase for peace.'  Discover that mantra or saying that gives you pause and helps you recognize your out of balance and need a shift. It can be anything, "I'm okay," "I can do this," "I am in charge,"  "Om," "The world is on my side as long as I am true to myself."  Use whatever relieves you and helps you regain calm.

Sharing phrases that work for you can be helpful too. Please share, in the comments, any phrase that keeps you calm and in balance.  Your wisdom may give someone a peaceful day.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Self encouragement

Don't ever be discouraged. Not now, not ever.  Why? Because you are too important to waste your time in negativity. When you notice that uncomfortable feeling, call your coach, talk to a friend, or take a walk.

One of the reasons that coaching delivers, is because a coach always encourages.  A coach is positive and offers assurance, peace, and calm.  When those feelings arise, and a coach is not available, always remember that you are.  You can encourage yourself.  A few blogs ago I talked about the importance of having strategies in place for self care. Realize that when your down it's important not to stay there. Sure, sometimes a good cry or a day of feeling sorry for yourself serves a purpose, but it's not a solution.  For continued peace and calm, learning to be your own coach and best friend is a worthy goal.

This week, take some time to think about ways to encourage yourself.  Ask your coach, friends, neighbors, and family members how they stay positive and encouraged.  Then, put in place some internal language, visualizations, and affirmations that will help you during those difficult times.  In fact, using self encouragement on a daily basis will help you avoid feeling discouraged altogether.

Imagine facing all your days feeling calm and at peace.  Wow, how cool is that?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Try coaching

Coaching challenges, invites reflection, causes action, delivers support and caring, and initiates planning.  It's a great way to start the conversation about what in your life you need to address.  Your coach will listen in a confidential environment where you can feel free to talk openly and be yourself.  There is no judgement. Only support.  Does that sound inviting?

Coaching delivers. Whether you speak with a coach once, or for years, you will enjoy monumental  rewards. Coaching invites discourse, thought, and outcomes. What do you need to to discuss, think about, or complete?

The issues in your life like, not feeling well, having too much to do, a lack of money, issues with the family unit, lack of understanding, etc., are better solved with assistance.  You and your coach discuss the problems and think of ways to solve them by creating positive outcomes.  Does that sound useful?

I invite you to try coaching this week. Please contact me for a session. If I cannot assist you, you can be sure I know coach who can. I am available anytime at 740-424-9471 or, leave your contact info on my website, I look forward to speaking with you.

Monday, September 3, 2012


There are so many things that distract us and leave us privy to mistakes. One of the biggest of these is an emotional upset. Could be a family issue, an issue at work, or a health issue.  The effect on concentration and ability can be extensive. When your distracted, you can lose important things like your credit card, or you can forget an important commitment. You might even find yourself in a precarious position.

Everybody is subject to upsets, and for those with a medical condition upsets can be even more devastating.   Knowing there are times when your coach, a friend, or a family member is not available to consult with, it's wise to have something in place that you know will serve you.

You may be best served by thinking of things that calm you, finding a place to rest and gain your composure, and/or making no decisions. When possible speak with your coach or another about ways to handle yourself during these times. This can make a huge difference in your well being. Being proactive is important and so very necessary.

May all your upsets turn in to great learning. Have a great week and sorry I was a day late in posting this week. I had an emotional upset.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Coaching can be so valuable. Coaches listen attentively, reflect back your thoughts, promote clarity, and provides a safe and trusting environment for discussion. That comes in handy if you need a new perspective, like when your find yourself emotional while interacting with family members, friends or people at work. Instead of  identifying the emotion, you respond from your frame of reference.  You interject your values, opinions, and emotions.

If your not feeling well, experiencing side effects of medication, or distracted, can you really be cognizant of what the different perspectives are of those around you? Are you responding in a manner that promotes effective communication or are you missing some of the cues and body language that enhance the interaction?

If you notice, in the course of any interaction, your opinions or emotions surfacing, stop and listen fully to the other person. Allowing others to  fully express themselves honors them and promotes healthy communication. Later you can identify the cause for any reactions you are experiencing.

Remembering that people see things from their own perspective helps to eliminate any expectation or distortion present in your thinking.  And, it helps you transform the whole communicative process for the better. Accept the challenge to recognize what perspectives you bring to the conversation.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Those nights

In the middle of the night, awake yet tired, lies an immense desire to develop into something more than what you are now. Your symptoms align and disturb your rest.

It's the middle of the night and you realize that it's only you that bears the burden and suffering of your choices, even if it effects others. In your turmoil you await sunrise despite its potential hardship. No one can possibly feel this alone and accountable, can they?  Yes, they can and, how well you know it.

It's on nights like this that you find new resolve. Perhaps to change your schedule to accommodate sleep. Perhaps to speak to someone about what ails you. Perhaps a new idea to solve your problems.  Or maybe you vow to overcome your pain in some new way so that you might rest better - tturn off the noise.

These nights, whatever your plight, invite you to discover something about yourself.  What might it be and what can you do?

Use the night to breath deep and find calm. Listen to your thoughts, write them down, expound on them, maybe even challenge them. These are the thoughts to discuss with your coach, a friend, a therapist, or a significant other.

Then, when the sun rises to remind you that it's morning, the remnants of the night slide from your memory and all that was once so powerful becomes elusive.  But, you have written down their essence during the shadows of the night so as to understand them on the new day. 

Yours is a progressive journey of discovery and creation.  And, it all belongs to you to unveil.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Seeking understanding
seeking new perspectives
seeking inspiration
seeking motivation
seeking feedback
seeking empowerment
seeking insight
seeking awareness

creating vision
creating plans
creating change
creating value
creating fulfillment
creating outcomes
creating clarity
creating life maps

developing perserverance
developing strategies
developing inner strength
developing ideas
developing methods

understanding intuition
understanding awareness
understanding potential
understanding events

Caoching helps the seeker create, develop, understand, and imagine much, much more.  I invite you to experience coaching.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Positive self-talk

Over the last few weeks there have been frustrating moments in my life that made me uncomfortable and uneasy.  Those moments were building on upon another until I felt somewhat angry at the daily routines of life. Internestingly, I noticed my peace evaporate and feelings of sadness were consuming me. I became lethargic and all I wanted to do was sleep.

One morning I got up and looked into the mirror and thought, wow, you're not what your used to be. There are lines and wrinkles and....
At that moment it occurred to me that I was going along with the theme that I had been experiencing lately.  That negativity and poor self talk.  I also realized that it was my choice as to whether or not I would accept that mode of thinking.

So, what I did was step back and tell myself that being unhappy, dissatisfied, negative, and lethargic is not what I want.  I took 3 deep breaths, stretched a little, and smiled. Then I said a few prayers that I have posted on my fridge, and made myself get ready for the day.

Things improved dramatically and before I knew it, I was doing what I do with peace, calm, and appreciation. I had a conversation with my coach and that furthered my committment to do whatever it takes to engage in conscious thinking. I know how it important it is to stay proactive in self care. We all do.

It's our job to be okay--to develop practices that enhance our thinking and well being. It was a few days ago that I made the commitment to stay cognizant of my responsibility to myself.  Who else will do it for me? I know this week I intend to do the same ritual, if you will.  That is, engage in positive self talk, remember it's my responsibility to be proactive in my well being, and to step back and erase negativity. It works.

I challenge you to do the same for yourself this week.  It's what gets you through.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


You hear, listen to your inner voice and you will find your direction.  Listen when someone is speaking for greater understanding.  Listen to your elders for they will deliver wisdom.

With a constant bombardment of informaton and the constant demands of life, we hear so much.  Using our  ability to filter, we choose what suits us or just rely on habits or old patterns of behavior to process the message.

What if we slowed down a bit and challenged ourselves to listen differently?  What if we decided to establish new habits and patterns of behavior based on what we actually hear? 

Consider using your listening to gain learning, appreciation, awareness, gratitude, or peace.  How would that feel when your hungry, angry, lonely, tired, or in pain?

Imagine a difference...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Start a conversation

This blog was created to spark communication around managing one's life with a medical condition.  The hope was to create an environment where ideas, resources, thoughts, and information are shared, not only, for the individual with a medical condition, but also, with those closely associated with that individual.

With this in mind, I ask you to please forward any topics of interest or questions to me. You can relay your subject in the comments section at the bottom of this page or go to and click on the contact page.  At the bottom of the contact page is a section where you can sign up  for a complimentary sesson, however, please use the space for whatever topic you would like to address.  I am working on changing the page to reflect an area for topics for further discussion.  Please bear with until this can be accomplished.

Let's use this valuable resource as a way to learn from one another and enhance wellbeing. I want to know what's on your mind and how it's  effecting your life.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Which way?

Charles Stanley, a well known Christian minister, delivered a sermon today entitled, "Direction Without Doubt."  He named 6 steps that would lead to the discovery of your direction.

Coaches, through active listening and powerful questioning, promote awareness of one's intuitive knowing, thus discovering which direction is best for you.

Ernst Holmes, in The Science of Mind, states, "we must be still in our own consciousness and know that the Spirit within us knows which of these ways is the right, and most constructive way, and will guide us."

Each concludes that you will know peace when you have chosen right.

If you listen for direction and discover peace, just think of what is possible...

Forge ahead with faith and confidence!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Maintaining Balance

Maintaining well being requires thought, prudence, reward, and action. Ultimately the goal is to stay in balance. In the absence of balance we could display rigid self denial or excessive overindulgence. There are times to make exceptions and allow yourself a treat.  A treat is something for  special  occasions or for giving yourself a lift.  But, treating yourself all the time is self-deception.  Like when you eat too much and then over indulge in exercise to compensate. You're out of balance, both physically and psychologically. 

Coaching helps identify triggers for the self deception that creates the imbalance.  Conversations revolve around the causes and then how to manage them so that you maintain balance.  Sometimes working with a personal trainer or a good friend will keep you motivated to stay in balance. These proven approaches will help you form better habits that will come automatically.  A quote I read says, "be always at war with your vices." War is a strong word, but, somehow appropriate because it often feels like a battle.

Summer is a good time to start new habits because we're more active and tend to eat less.  It's also a time when we may slack in other areas as well.  So, for this week, I challenge you to discover ways, with your coach, to maintain your balance. Make a plan, be consistent, practice prudence, and have that occasional treat.  The benefits will be extraordinary!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

4th of July

Let the CELEBRATION begin!



all that is GOOD with a declaration of TOLERANCE,

a place of DIVERSITY, of HOPE,





How GRATEFUL  we are!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Declare Victory!

Shall we declare victory over what ails us this week?

We know it's wise keep healthy no matter what our medical condition.

We know there is help available like:  coaches, rabbis, counselors, doctors, lawyers or just a trusted someone.

We have access to all types of transportation to move us to and fro -- a place here, a place there, wherever our want-need-desire-compulsion sends us.

We have vast amounts of food choices awaiting our consumption -- organic, stuffed, salt- free, sugar-coated, carrots --- you name it and you can eat it.

And, the drugs. way, way too many to name.  Drugs that heal, reduce, induce, cure, perpetuate, arrest, coma--synthetic -- all designed to... remedy...

Hopefully one of these, or even something else, will help what ails you. Take charge, find a remedy, and Declare Victory!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

To my father, who always:

was kind and gentle
said nice things to me
had the love of all the neighborhood kids
provided cash and candy (he had a candy drawer and a jacked pocket with money)
told me stories
taught me about sports
wrote me letters after I left home
was kind to animals
was a great painter
put out the American flag
was there for his country (he went on 7 invasions while in the Navy)
quietly handled things
was generous, good looking, and humble
was well liked
made me feel important and loved
stood by me...

I miss you Dad. Happy Fathers Day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What is the lesson?

Here we are, in this life, everyone of us, doing the best we can with the thoughts we have, the principles we were taught, the prejudices we learned, and a whole host of feelings and emotions that we either name or wonder about. Some of us are either blessed or cursed with illness or good health. For some good health is a curse, for others, illness is a blessing. There are no parameters, rather there are natural laws.

The obstacles that confront us are many. For example, when someone challenges your motivation and/or intentions, what is the lesson in it? Is it a lack of communication or is it something more? When forced into a defensive position, how do you best protect yourself? 

Pema Chodrin, a Tibetan Monk said, "when we are so involved in protecting ourselves, we are unable to see the pain in another's face." Underlying judgement, negativity, and slander is insecurity and fear which revolves around the ego. What good will two battling egos accomplish? In the Bible, Luke 6:29, "If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also." Considering this, and knowing you will always have choice, ask yourself, what is the lesson in it? How will I grow into greater awareness?  Herein lies understanding, empathy, kindness, and healing.

Look for the lessons this week...


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Managing Wellness

This continuing effort to be 'okay' in the midst of life's demands, not feeling well, side effects of medications, and feeling down is wearisome. In fact, it demands so much. Of course, so does the life of those who work day in and day out and don't have a medical condition. So, there it is. No one has it easy. Even if they appear to, it doesn't mean they do.

Everyone of us takes on responsibilities and requests when we shouldn't. I say shouldn't because it's true. How many times have you said 'yes' to something and realized you really don't have the time or energy to do it? The next time your poised to accept another task, ask yourself this question: Am I managing my wellness?

Think about it, your wellness. Do you have a wellness plan? If so, are you following it? Are you thinking about what you really want out of this life? This time here...What can you do to make your life better?

Here's a challenge, make it a point to talk with your coach or someone your trust about how to put yourself first--to engage in self-care. If you need to rest, then rest. If you need to say no, say no (without feeling guilty), if you need to scream, scream! Just take care of you and manage your wellness. What better time than June?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day

Whose is the loneliest path?  Whose trail is greater than others?  Who bears the most anguish?

We are so lucky in this great land.  Think about it.  No matter what problem we have, there is available help.  There is easy access to doctors, lawyers, coaches, and countless other professions to guide and provide comfort and support.  How truly easy our lot.

So, they go forth, our young. They go forth, strong and shining in their new uniforms full of wonder and anticipation.
So go forth young soldier, in your naivete' to conquer for some grand and noble ideal.
Go forth to your destiny. And, be grateful for the opportunity.

The plagues, the statues, the carved headstones of our beloved young---fooled by those they trust -- to their destiny...

As for tonight, we will rest peacefully in safe, warm beds.

Yes, it is the soldier whose trail is the loneliest and who will know the most anguish.

Recommended read:
     On Killing, The Psychological Cost of learning to Kill in War and Society.
       Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Making that commitment

Are you afraid to commit? Whether it's to a relationship or to a decision, a commitment is required before you are fully engaged. Before you can act.

That, 'just before you decide' moment or hour or day is telling. Is it a test of character or strength? Does it come down to who you are? What you will become? I think maybe it is.

Today I post a quote that may help with a decision--a commitment. I have been reading it all day because of a commitment I must make. It is providing me with determination.

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
there is one elementary truth, 
the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans.
The moment one definitely commits oneself,
all sorts of things begin to happen
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the committed decision,
raising in one's favor all manner of incidents,
meetings and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamed would come his way."


Never be afraid...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers. Today -  a day for reflection about what a mother is. She is such a profound force in life with her teachings, caring, support, and love. Yet, not all mothers fit the typical mold of what  a mother should be. How you feel about your mother is telling. Is she the mother you need her to be? Is she always there for you? How has she affected your life? What could she have done better or differently?

Today, memories abound with remembrances of one's mother during childhood, then adolescence, and finally adulthood. Myself, thoughts and teachings of my mother are ever present. There are some whose longing for a mother is never satisfied. Think about those whose mothers have passed, or, for whatever reason aren't available. Although we all have one, it doesn't mean we have one present.

For all who celebrate Mothers Day with happiness and gratefulness, may you continue to shine and share that valuable treasure forever and ever with sweet abandon. For all who long for their mother, may your longing be satisfied with the truth of who you are, which is, a beloved child of God, however you wish to define him/her, because you are precious. For those who are disappointed or estranged from their mother, may you find a peace within that carries you toward your highest good and allows forgiveness to define the relationship.

Mother's Day stands for all that relevant and true for this existence? From the essence comes forth life which allows for creation and  begs for expression. Because of our mother, however one defines her, comes the ability to choose what we will become. She is our connection to this life and always shall be. She is never blameless. She is always important.

Happy Mother's Day -- this day for expression and reflection.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just thinking

     Decided to take a walk this morning because of the beauty of the day and to challenge some of the stiffness.  I started thinking about people who aren't well because of illness, depression, physical injury, or medication. Their causes vary, but the more pronounced the debilitating reason, the more severe the intensity. To always awaken with an issue...Yet, there's something magnificent about the resiliency of the human body.
     As my walk turned into a few laps around the track, I thought of a man I knew, an amputee in a wheelchair, who recently passed on. I recall coming home, after a very long, exhausting day, my hands overloaded with large bags of groceries and feeling as if I might collapse. Along comes this kind man, this amputee, who smilingly takes a few of the bags and with extreme skill and tenacity places the groceries on his lap, turns his wheelchair, and accompanies me to my door whereby he delivers me safety with a smile and few kind words of encouragement. At that moment, in the depth of my soul, I understood him through and through-- and, I understood the concept of a loving God.
    As I walk, I look and see a man walking, hunched over, as he tries to coerce his body into walking and enjoying the bright sunshine and the pleasant breeze.  I notice his crippled hands as he exclaims into a cell phone to someone, "I Love You?" I know he means it.
    I think about a coach I know whose recent success made her cry out in joy for she will be able to help over 100 people.
    I think about a man I know who, once vibrant and alive, has settled into depression.
    I recall sitting with a man dying of bone cancer who told me stories of his life and how it was a good life, but, mostly he spoke of the woman he loved and who cared for him. He sits and waits daily for her visits.
    I think of a dear friend who is facing a life threatening surgery and I when she speaks I hear her strong desire for a full life relieved from pain and suffering. She remains vibrant with her hope and faith.
    Today, I'm just thinking.
    What are you thinking about today?

Sunday, April 29, 2012


If you decided not to feel guilty how would you feel?  One thing for sure is that guilt is a heavy load. It interferes with one's thinking. It causes extra work, mental effort, and time. For some it's the result of what your religious teachings say, or something you learned in your formative years. Guilty feelings can manifest as how productive you are or how much you've achieved. It's the cause for much judgement from yourself and others. Ultimately, guilt is a drag.  On the other hand, there are those who never feel guilty. They have no conscious or sense of ethics. They can explain away all acts and move on with no feelings of remorse. They seem to carry less of a burden.

I can remember feeling guilty, after my transplant, for the burden I put on my family members and the medical personal who were responsible for my care. I believed my care was my responsibility. As I improved, the process of healing included finding ways to handle my own care. Once I took charge of my care(my responsibility), the guilt was gone. The guilt served as a catalyst for change for me. 

Coaching encourages a conversation about guilty feelings to determine their authenticity and relevance. Is the guilt learned or self-inflicted? Often the feelings are without merit. If they do have merit, the conversation creates a safe place to find the cause of the guilt, face it, and change the feeling into one that is useful and empowering.  If the guilty feelings have no merit, they can be dismissed completely. 

A friend expressed using the 12 step program to handle guilty feelings by making amends and absolving one of the misdeed. What else can help? How do you come to terms with your feelings of guilt? Maybe we can discover empowering ways by sharing and learning.

Have a guilt free week!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Seems like we are always finding ways to meet our many needs. We look to others for advice and support. Like when we go to the doctor for something that ails  us. There is a litany of issues for the doctor to address as you quietly hope that he/she will provide that much needed answer along with a prescription for the cure. "Tell me doctor, how do I fix this?" Please tell me so I can stop the worry and uncertainty.

Yes, the uncertainty. All days are filled with it. I found it alarming to realize that the doctors didn't always have the answer. In fact, after 12 years post transplant, I know that it's all uncharted territory because there are no case studies to refer to. I am the case study, along with others with transplants. How do I relay the isolation that  ensues? That knowledge that you are on this path alone. Daily you live the turmoil of the side effects of the medication, the physical exhaustion that accompanies all movement, the incredible desire to be well, and the constant knowledge that you are broken and needy. You know that you cannot survive without your medication and you want so bad to be free of it. Managing life is a challenge.

I recognize that, even with all my medical issues, while on this path alone, so are you. I know that the doctor is just trying to make it easier to sustain life. I know that everyone holds onto to others for support and insight as they come to terms with their plight. I understand the emotions that result for those with a new diagnosis. I recognize the fear and unrest of the sick and the aging. It's more familiar to me than it is for the young and healthy, but, I also know that they, too, will experience it.

What is this life that finds us alone yet among everyone? How do we answer life's continuous beckoning to create and be? How do we compensate for what we don't understand? How do we understand God in this?

"Although the world is full of is also full of overcoming it."

Who are we in this?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let's Develop

The day to day life and accompanying struggles eventually nags at some part of us and the result in a persistent urge to take action. Because we are a constantly evolving species we must acknowledge this need less we become restless, bored, tired, lethargic, angry and/or depressed.

Why do we forget this about ourselves--this need for change, variety, and stimulus?  Not accepting this sometimes drive us to seek relief and not always in ways that are healthy and fulfilling in the long run.

What if, when we are feeling like this, we took action is some form. Talking to your coach, starting a new project, learning a second language, taking a road trip, or even just totally reinventing yourself. Dr. Fred Newman and Phyllis Goldberg, in their book, "Let's Develop," talk about their Social Therapeutic Approach, in which, they say, "we can change who we are rather than a certain behavior." They discuss our need to develop and create.
What and who do we wish to become?

This week  join me in trying to conscioulsy take notice of that urge or need -and, do something about it that will recreate you!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

The wind was blowing with fervor and the shining sun was illuminating the cloudy, blue sky as I walked along the trail enjoying the crispness of the day. When I believe in possibilities only good comes of situations in my life. Thus, the promise of a new day, of the death of the old, and the birth of the new.

Stories of resurrection abound, giving knowledge of renewal no matter what the perspective, idea, faith, or religion. It's exciting to know that we are always growing. No matter what. Think about those stories of faith, hope, growth, and renewal as you head into the week to remind you that, indeed, all is well. Add something valuable to your life by gently dismissing something that hinders you and embracing something that resurrects you.

Look around for possibilities...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Changing our habits

It's funny the way life works, in that, issues that require our attention are sometimes brought about by an event in our lives, or something we read, or something we hear. The topic hits a nerve and suddenly we recognize (not always) its effect on us. We notice that it bothers us. Many times we ignore it. It's when we look at it and evaluate it that we can initiate change and promote growth.

Recently, two events have given me the capacity to try and be aware of those moments and to act upon them.  I attended a Science of Mind group yesterday that allowed me some insight as to how to use those moments to heal and grow. The facilitator of the group spoke about one form of meditation called Shambala.  Shambala is a liberal form of meditation, in that, there are not rigid rules to adhere to. The focus is on your breathing. Any time a thought distracts you from focusing on your breathing, you immediately forget the thought and return your focus to your breathing. What this accomplishes is, a place away from your thoughts back to your breathing. You come to a state of quiet. The resultant awareness is that your thought or thoughts have no power over you. Thus, if you have a thought that continuously hounds you, if you will, you can just stop and concentrate on your breathing to dispel the annoying thought. You can do it with any thought that is habitual or disconcerting.

My second awareness came from a book I am reading. The author speaks about our "sick side and our healthy side." It his his premise that "there is a part of us, however small, that wants us to grow." Likewise, there is a part of us, however small, that does not want us to exert ourselves, that clings to the old and familiar, fearful of any change or effort, desiring comfort at any cost and absence of pain at any price, even if the penalty be ineffectiveness, stagnation, or regression."  Knowing this, we are faced with this question, which side will we nurture?

Ultimately, each one of us decides because we are all always growing. Understanding our choices is empowering. Since my transplant, and after seriously looking at my life for answers to many questions, I learned the necessity for changing habits. And, I have learned to be grateful for the ability to change. So, with that I leave you with a quote I recently read:

     "First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you!"

Have an empowered week...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh this life!

Wow, you come to realize changes happening in your life are expressions of what you desire for yourself.  Often you, not only, sabotage yourself, but also, do so without even realizing it!  It's when you realize you create your outcome is when you have power. You ask, am I up for the challenge of being who I wish to become and doing what I know is right and good for me?

Clearly, you can  speak to your coach, family members, and friends about how to best manage your circumstances and thrive. But, ultimately it's up to you as to whether or not you succeed. The recurring question of, do I have the strength and fortitude to rise up and to say no to myself so that I may eventually say yes to a better day and a better life, will always enter in. Will I fall short?

So, what do you desire for yourself? Who are you without that weakness, illness, or stumbling block? What do you need to change in your life? Are you going to listen to that nagging voice that wants you to pay attention to what you need to face? Will you make that change?

Say yes! It's time to take that hard look at yourself and make a decision. It's time to say that prayer for guidance and strength. It's time to embrace the struggle and hold on to hope. It's time to use your inner dialogue that expresses the real truth about you, which is: YOU DESERVE ONLY THE BEST! It's time to say to yourself: I have what it takes and I refuse to settle for something that makes me feel less than--no matter what price I have to pay!  Put your shoulders back. Chin up. Stay focused. Don't look back. Go and do what you need to do. Know that the world supports you as long as you are doing what is best for you. You were made to win and you will!

Oh, this's your move...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Power of Words

This morning I was listened to Joel Osteen as he preached his Sunday sermon. I was so very inspired by his sermon because I noted the intensity of the attentive audience.  It was exciting to watch the audience take heed if the content. The message: Use your words to help others achieve. Find the positive in others and tell them how capable they are and how many possibilities there are. Be a champion for their growth!

He talked about famous people as well as everyday people whose live's were changed because someone told them something positive and encouraged them. It made me remember my family members and the medical staff that encouraged me when I was recovering from my transplant. I learned to listen to my coaches because they always guide me toward using my potential and reaching my highest good.

What words are you listening to? And, what are you saying to the people you meet? To yourself? Your words are powerful, use them wisely.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

To contemplate is to discover.

Is there something you have been planning, a project that you are working on, or perhaps a new perspective you are considering? Are you following through with your intention? Do you feel you are on track, clear and focused?

This weekend provided sometime for contemplation and I found than when I contemplate, I discover much on a spiritual level, a glimpse into my inner being where the questions abound and the distractions originate. Sometimes, I wonder how to gain clarity and purpose in whatever pursuit I am pondering.  What is best, what is right?  It is at these times that I realize the power and depth of my potential. It is also at these times that I speak with my coach, my family, and my friends. It is at these times that I pray for greater understanding. And, I always receive support.

There is no doubt that we have an inner guidance that remains loyal if we listen.  And, when we question, there is an answer. Know that you are supported as you contemplate and discover. Get clear, stay focused, contemplate, and feel safe. Have a purposeful week. Peace.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weak immune systems

As a heart transplant recipient, I know what it means to have a compromised immune system.  You always have to be on guard and use strategic planning when doing almost anything. Colds, flues, allergies, and nearly anything that causes physical distress is amplified when you have a weakened immune system.

Because the flu season hasn't really taken off yet this season, doesn't mean that it won't.  I already know 2 people with pneumonia and many others with severe colds and sinus infections. Many medical professionals are concerned that March could result in the flu becoming prevalent.

So, those of you with weakened immune systems should take action to insure that you don't get sick. You know the drill. Wash your hands, rest, vitamins, eat right, etc. It's up to you to stay well--if you can.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Staying open

With the end of February and the beginning of March, why not be open to the many possibilities? What is on the horizon for you?  What have you been trying to accomplish? Now is the time to be true to yourself and to find what you've been seeking. 

The challenge is out to consider what you need, desire, and want. Then to formulate action steps to make it happen. With spring around the corner what better time than now? Ask your coach, your family members, and your friends for support as you embrace every opportunity that presents itself to make your life better. Do not put it off any longer.

You are capable and powerful no matter what your situation. Please be true to yourself and take action. Just do it now. It's your time!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Your Heart.

Today I attended a Trio (Transplant Recipients International Organization) meeting at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa., and the topic was heart health for women. The Cardiologist who spoke emphasized the need for each and everyone of  us to care of our hearts. He gave us a plethora of information that I wish to share with you. Heart disease kills 1 in every 4 women in America. Heart disease is the #1 killer of American women-no matter what their race or ethnicity.

I challenge everyone to follow the doctor's orders and pledge to have their blood pressure, blood cholesterol, fasting plasma glucose(diabetes test), body mass index (BMI) and waste circumference, an electrocardiogram, and a stress test as soon as you can to make sure your heart is well, especially if you are between the ages of 40 and 60. Do it this month.

Please become aware of the signs and symptoms of heart disease and pay attention to what your body is telling you as you navigate through your day to day activities. This may save your life. If you need more information the following websites will help: (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). (American Heart Association) Both men and women. (Office of Women's Health, DHHS  National Women's Health Information Center). (Women'sHeart: the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease).

Please remember the risk factors:
High blood pressure
High blood chloresterol
Physical inactivity
Family history of heart disease
Age (55 and older for women)

Again, I urge you to be proactive in your health care. It is vital and you are important! Here's to a healthy heart!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February is for "Hearts!"

Feeling my beating heart. Smiling as I consider the wonder of it. Thinking of the people I love. Dreaming of what they will become--what I might become--what you might become. All because we have a heart.

Knowing what's in my heart. Envisioning ways to achieve it. Considering those who could be an integral part. Imagining the destination--my destination--your destination. All because we seek to find the 'heart' of it all.

Believing my heart will stay strong. Wanting so much. Hoping everyone will be strong. Experiencing all of my life--while you are experiencing all of your life. All because our hearts are beating.

Our heart let us feel, dream, know, consider, imagine, believe, hope, and experience all that we wish. How unbelievably fortunate we are.

Hurray for the heart!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl

Striving to win!! That's the theme of the Super Bowl. Talent abounds as each athlete vies for victory and recognition displaying years of tenacity and perseverance in front of millions. It's definitely a sight to see and worthy of acclaim as you ponder what's involved to achieve such heights. Then, consider the half-time show with it's glitter, lights, and song. It's components intricately timed to provide the ultimate flawless result. We watch this in awe.

There is so much to be grateful for in this life when you witness human potential. And, each one of us has an untapped capacity that either we have not engaged or believed we were unable to develop. What is the difference between the one who does achieve and the one who doesn't? It's something to consider.

I offer a challenge to those of us who have the good fortune to watch the Super Bowl. Let us consider how we might engage our untapped ability and develop it. Perhaps to overcome the challenges we face with our health, our relationships, or our secret ambition. Whatever it is for you, become great in how you manage it. Give it your best by being tenacious and persevering through the rough times. If you need a spark, think of the superstars at the Super Bowl for renewed vitality. Talk with you coach and win a Super Bowl!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Believing in tomorrow

Have you ever just stopped whatever you were doing and thought, "I just can't deal with this any longer!" It can be anything. Those moments when you feel like quitting or giving up. You don't want to be sick anymore, you don't want to take your medication, you don't want to see another doctor, you don't want to go to work or care for others. The list is endless. What you really need is to feel peace, calm and comfort.

When feeling like this, it's time to stop and reevaluate your situation. It's a good time to share these feelings with your coach, a friend or a family member. It's the time to go ahead and scream out loud, take a long walk, or just get down on your knees and pray. It's the time to believe in tomorrow. Because, it's in the morning that you start all over - whether it be one day closer to healing or one day closer to your dreams. We are all heading somewhere and by believing in tomorrow we are opening a place to create. When we create we are alive! We can plan, contemplate, make changes, choose better options, seek second opinions, or simply follow a chosen course.  

Tomorrow is a new day---BELIEVE in the possibilities!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Slipping away

Seems appropriate to use the word slipping in the month of January and, in fact, that is what many of us are doing while walking and driving in the snowy parts of the world. What are some other ways in which we tend to slip? We forget to take our medication on time, or slip a cupcake or candy bar into our meal when dieting, or even slip and spend too much money.

Then there is slipping away to rest, or to read a book, perhaps, to take a short vacation, or to slip away with a friend. And, of course, there is probably someone that you have 'given the slip!'

So whether your sliding, losing someone, making an error or eluding one, sneaking, or stumbling, there are many ways in which we 'slip.'  For the sake of thought and action, notice how your slipping away this week. You'll be surprised how often you slip!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Your Library

Collecting information and learning all there is to know about what ails you is essential. After a diagnosis there are so many challenges. Becoming informed translates into a wealth of knowledge usually in the form of books and publications. Before you know it, you have amassed a library of reference material to support and enlighten you about how to manage your life.

The book, "The Power of Self-Coaching, The Five Essential Steps To Creating The Life You Want," was a welcomed and empowering book into my library because it helped me during those times when my coach wasn't available. When managing an illness, reading material that will help motivate and encourage you to maintain optimism, well-being, and healthy relationships is a worthy endeavor and necessary.

Make it a goal in 2012 to build your library. Read books, magazine articles, and publications that help you strive to be the best you can be as you persevere through the daily routine of medication, work, duties, doctor's visits etc. With the knowledge that will accompany your reading, know that you are building a foundation to build upon. And you know with a strong foundation, the possibilities are endless.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A year of distinction

Here it is, the second week of the New Year. Whether or not you made a resolution, you still have a whole year ahead to plot your course.  As a coach, I ask:  will you make it a year of distinction? How will you set yourself apart and shine?

Knowing there are so many days ahead with doctor visits, medication, and not feeling well, the last thing on your mind is a resolution or a goal. At one time I was very ill so I understand the dynamic. But, I didn't really like all the suffering.  Do you?  What if you decide to set yourself apart from sickness and suffering?  How could you be different? What can you do this day to set a different course for the year? As a coach, I invite you to ponder an alternative to illness. I invite you to change the thoughts that currently prevail in your thinking. Challenge each with an illuminating thought or perspective.  Stand up and declare 'wholeness' as yours. Walk with an air of distinction that says to the world, "I am whole, healthy, and complete!"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year's Mindset

What does the New Year mean for you? Will you awake each morning asking to be guided toward your highest good? Will you choose to recognize your internal dialogue so that you say kind words to yourself? Will you work to remain optimistic and joyful? Will you set goals?

There are so many choices to make as we step into a New Year. You can declare a mindset, with the goal being to be clear and undaunted in whatever pursuit you decide. A mindset is something in which you give most of your focus. A coach would ask you questions that would help you notice your feelings and use your intuition as a guide. How truly fortunate to have the wisdom and guidance within to know.

In this New Year, please remember that you have the ability and power to develop whatever you choose. Let your intuition be your guide and use your mindset to focus on that special goal, something in particular, something important to you, something you like to do, or something that feels right. Name your mindset and embark upon your journey as it's your choice.