Sunday, October 7, 2012

Is it a change in the weather?

Out of sorts, not feeling well, foggy--all symptoms of the change in the weather. Your either coming down with something or your immune system is combating some bug that has already arrived. Add this to a condition already present, and the effect is magnified. Who are you in this?

Looking at your symptoms and how they are affecting you says something about who you are and who you will be in the future. A symptom may be reflective of more than one thing or event. Maybe your being called to address something. Illness is an interesting thing. It will sometimes manifest as a result of something within. To delve into it is to better understand yourself. For, you may discover the answer to the question, what is the actual cause?

Sometimes it's easier to look to others for support or distraction. Or you may bake a pie, watch a tearful or funny movie, go shopping, or take a walk. All in an effort to avoid what ails you. It helps. But, the questions remains. Is it really a change in the weather?

What do you really want to consume you? Illness?  Love?  Your creativity? October ushers in Fall, a new season. With every new season, as with every day, comes an opportunity to become all that you want to become. To make important choices. To set goals. Coaching is a catalyst for change.

Who do you wish to become?


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