Think about a time or times when you felt cared about. Remember the warmth it produced throughout your entire being. Wow, what a nice feeling, because the thoughts allowed for greater expression, comfort, relaxation, and good humor. In those moments was the desire to love, to share, to give.
Where has the warmth and the caring gone? Where is the kindness, the gentleness? Where is the safety? Are we really at the mercy of bullies, guns, madness, and chaos? What is it that makes someone depraved, lethal? Did they ever receive warmth and caring?
Let us not what until next year. Let us begin right NOW to spread warmth and caring to those we come in contact with. Let us DECIDE it's the only way to be. Let us coach one another to be gentle and to listen for the words that hurt, oppress, criticize, and harm - so that we may discard them for words and expressions of warmth, caring, hope, and peace.
What will become of us if we don't change the momentum?
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