Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers. Today -  a day for reflection about what a mother is. She is such a profound force in life with her teachings, caring, support, and love. Yet, not all mothers fit the typical mold of what  a mother should be. How you feel about your mother is telling. Is she the mother you need her to be? Is she always there for you? How has she affected your life? What could she have done better or differently?

Today, memories abound with remembrances of one's mother during childhood, then adolescence, and finally adulthood. Myself, thoughts and teachings of my mother are ever present. There are some whose longing for a mother is never satisfied. Think about those whose mothers have passed, or, for whatever reason aren't available. Although we all have one, it doesn't mean we have one present.

For all who celebrate Mothers Day with happiness and gratefulness, may you continue to shine and share that valuable treasure forever and ever with sweet abandon. For all who long for their mother, may your longing be satisfied with the truth of who you are, which is, a beloved child of God, however you wish to define him/her, because you are precious. For those who are disappointed or estranged from their mother, may you find a peace within that carries you toward your highest good and allows forgiveness to define the relationship.

Mother's Day stands for all that relevant and true for this existence? From the essence comes forth life which allows for creation and  begs for expression. Because of our mother, however one defines her, comes the ability to choose what we will become. She is our connection to this life and always shall be. She is never blameless. She is always important.

Happy Mother's Day -- this day for expression and reflection.

1 comment:

David said...

From the TV shows like Leave It To Beaver with their stay at home moms to today's career mom, the role of mother has changed quite a bit in my lifetime. The image of mother as portrayed on the current cover of TIME magazine would have been even more controversial a generation ago. Still, something essential remains in our relationship with our mother, regardless of the times in which we live.
Perhaps the fact that fathers don't literally "give birth" in the way that a mother does creates the most unique form of bonding. I recall hearing a veteran of the battles of World War II observe that he never saw a mortally wounded soldier crying out for his father.
All of us begin life as such delicate and dependent little people. We rely upon our parents to care for us. Through the passage of several decades we may live to see own own parents look weaker and more vulnerable than us.
I think of the "sandwich generation"- mothers who work while caring for their own growing children, while at the same time caring for their own aging parents.
I am fortunate to have spent another Mother's Day with my mother. I am not permitted to disclose her age.
Happy Mother's Day!