Over the last few weeks there have been frustrating moments in my life that made me uncomfortable and uneasy. Those moments were building on upon another until I felt somewhat angry at the daily routines of life. Internestingly, I noticed my peace evaporate and feelings of sadness were consuming me. I became lethargic and all I wanted to do was sleep.
One morning I got up and looked into the mirror and thought, wow, you're not what your used to be. There are lines and wrinkles and....
At that moment it occurred to me that I was going along with the theme that I had been experiencing lately. That negativity and poor self talk. I also realized that it was my choice as to whether or not I would accept that mode of thinking.
So, what I did was step back and tell myself that being unhappy, dissatisfied, negative, and lethargic is not what I want. I took 3 deep breaths, stretched a little, and smiled. Then I said a few prayers that I have posted on my fridge, and made myself get ready for the day.
Things improved dramatically and before I knew it, I was doing what I do with peace, calm, and appreciation. I had a conversation with my coach and that furthered my committment to do whatever it takes to engage in conscious thinking. I know how it important it is to stay proactive in self care. We all do.
It's our job to be okay--to develop practices that enhance our thinking and well being. It was a few days ago that I made the commitment to stay cognizant of my responsibility to myself. Who else will do it for me? I know this week I intend to do the same ritual, if you will. That is, engage in positive self talk, remember it's my responsibility to be proactive in my well being, and to step back and erase negativity. It works.
I challenge you to do the same for yourself this week. It's what gets you through.
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