In the middle of the night, awake yet tired, lies an immense desire to develop into something more than what you are now. Your symptoms align and disturb your rest.
It's the middle of the night and you realize that it's only you that bears the burden and suffering of your choices, even if it effects others. In your turmoil you await sunrise despite its potential hardship. No one can possibly feel this alone and accountable, can they? Yes, they can and, how well you know it.
It's on nights like this that you find new resolve. Perhaps to change your schedule to accommodate sleep. Perhaps to speak to someone about what ails you. Perhaps a new idea to solve your problems. Or maybe you vow to overcome your pain in some new way so that you might rest better - tturn off the noise.
These nights, whatever your plight, invite you to discover something about yourself. What might it be and what can you do?
Use the night to breath deep and find calm. Listen to your thoughts, write them down, expound on them, maybe even challenge them. These are the thoughts to discuss with your coach, a friend, a therapist, or a significant other.
Then, when the sun rises to remind you that it's morning, the remnants of the night slide from your memory and all that was once so powerful becomes elusive. But, you have written down their essence during the shadows of the night so as to understand them on the new day.
Yours is a progressive journey of discovery and creation. And, it all belongs to you to unveil.
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