Wow, you come to realize changes happening in your life are expressions of what you desire for yourself. Often you, not only, sabotage yourself, but also, do so without even realizing it! It's when you realize you create your outcome is when you have power. You ask, am I up for the challenge of being who I wish to become and doing what I know is right and good for me?
Clearly, you can speak to your coach, family members, and friends about how to best manage your circumstances and thrive. But, ultimately it's up to you as to whether or not you succeed. The recurring question of, do I have the strength and fortitude to rise up and to say no to myself so that I may eventually say yes to a better day and a better life, will always enter in. Will I fall short?
So, what do you desire for yourself? Who are you without that weakness, illness, or stumbling block? What do you need to change in your life? Are you going to listen to that nagging voice that wants you to pay attention to what you need to face? Will you make that change?
Say yes! It's time to take that hard look at yourself and make a decision. It's time to say that prayer for guidance and strength. It's time to embrace the struggle and hold on to hope. It's time to use your inner dialogue that expresses the real truth about you, which is: YOU DESERVE ONLY THE BEST! It's time to say to yourself: I have what it takes and I refuse to settle for something that makes me feel less than--no matter what price I have to pay! Put your shoulders back. Chin up. Stay focused. Don't look back. Go and do what you need to do. Know that the world supports you as long as you are doing what is best for you. You were made to win and you will!
Oh, this's your move...
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