Sunday, September 9, 2012

Try coaching

Coaching challenges, invites reflection, causes action, delivers support and caring, and initiates planning.  It's a great way to start the conversation about what in your life you need to address.  Your coach will listen in a confidential environment where you can feel free to talk openly and be yourself.  There is no judgement. Only support.  Does that sound inviting?

Coaching delivers. Whether you speak with a coach once, or for years, you will enjoy monumental  rewards. Coaching invites discourse, thought, and outcomes. What do you need to to discuss, think about, or complete?

The issues in your life like, not feeling well, having too much to do, a lack of money, issues with the family unit, lack of understanding, etc., are better solved with assistance.  You and your coach discuss the problems and think of ways to solve them by creating positive outcomes.  Does that sound useful?

I invite you to try coaching this week. Please contact me for a session. If I cannot assist you, you can be sure I know coach who can. I am available anytime at 740-424-9471 or, leave your contact info on my website, I look forward to speaking with you.

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