Walking through the departments stores there were signs everywhere that said, "Believe." Tis the season to believe in those unseen magical ideas that we have all come to know and love regardless of our faith and/or because of it. There's a part of everyone that wants to believe that, no matter what, everything will be okay and everything is magical.
Here's an idea for the week. Believe this will be your magical season leading to a magical year where everything is okay. Believe in magic. Believe all is well. Believe it and tell everyone you know to believe it too. When whatever is ailing you strikes out, tell it you only believe in wellness and miracles.
Maybe if we all believe all is well, then, it will be. Give belief to your friends, your coach, your loved ones, and believe together. When my doctors, family, friends, and I believed I would be well after having to experience a heart transplant, I was and I am! It works.
Just believe...
I believe is a strong motivator. Faith even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains! Great reading...thank you!
I believe!
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