This upcoming week is when everyone will gather together and give thanks for life's blessings. We are collectively supporting one another with our message of thanksgiving and gratitude. However, there exists the effects of illness and suffering that demonstrate how hard it can be to rise above it's negative forces. Blinded by pain, troubled thoughts, and medications, gratitude and well being seem obscure. Voices will remark, "I'm not in the spirit."
Let me offer this: There exists a force that is much stronger than any disease that awaits our awareness of it's presence -- and, it is good. By simply forcing a smile, repeating that word of thanks and gratitude, and looking for that which brings light, will be all you need to alleviate that negative force. Just think of that favorite Thanksgiving treat!
So, start right now and say thank you for all that you know and all you have learned. Say thank you with gratitude as many times a day as you can for this entire week. Tell your coach, friend, or family member to remind you. And, tell your pain, your troubled thoughts, and your medications, that you are grateful for them too, because of what you will learn from their part in your life. Ultimately, it's all good for the knowing.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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