Monday, September 26, 2011

Consider this...

As it is now, to be an organ donor, you opt in and it's displayed on you driver's license.  In many countries in Europe, it is assumed you are an organ donor unless you opt out.  The statistics show that there is a decreased wait time for organs when needed for a transplant if this opt out method is in place.

The conversation is ongoing as to the best way to handle organ donation. Either method, opt in or opt out, allows you to make a choice as to whether or not you will be an organ donor. The question becomes should we allow people to opt in as we have now in the United States or use the European model of 'opt out' which assumes one is a donor unless he/she opts out?

Are you an organ donor?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Learning Life?

Sometimes in my awareness of disease and its ramifications in my life and in the life of others, I want to believe there is something worthy in it. Going through the daily emotional turmoil and discomfort has to mean something doesn't it? People say it builds character or it teaches lessons. Others say it is a result of our dis'ease' with who we are or, even, that we willed it upon ourselves. And, there is the belief that it brings us to a belief in God, a source greater than who we are.

We all suffer at some point and get sick -- meaning that no one is immune. Seems safe to say that there is learning as a result. It's the essence of the learning that one has to examine. And in the examination of your condition, whoever you are, what are you learning? Who are you becoming as a result? Perhaps therein lies the answer as to why.

Call it a learning life? This awareness of illness, pain, and suffering? I suppose the ultimate 'knowing' will empower you, if only to 'know' you don't want illness any longer. Wow, that's a powerful change of perspective...

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11, 2011

I listened to the announcer as he described the chaos of 9/11 when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City and an overwhelming feeling of fear overcame me. That knowledge that there are circumstances in this world that we have no control over and, yet, have lasting effects on our lives. Terrorism/Illness/War. We ask ourselves, how can this be?

With few answers as to why, I wonder, how do we cope with these circumstances? Until those answers are revealed, I offer support, caring, and understanding to persevere. What more do we have then each other and our own concepts of God?

Please take a moment to share your thoughts and coping strategies as I believe we will all benefit from your contribution. Thank you and be well.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How do you prepare for doctor visits?

When it's time to visit your doctor, it's easy to come up with questions and write them down, but, do you take them with you to your appointment?  Is your doctor aware of your concerns and worries? Do you have all the information you need about your diagnosis?

Clearly communication with your team of health care providers is essential for wellbeing. Having over eleven years post transplant, all details matter, and you as the patient must be proactive. I still communicate with my coach prior to my scheduled appointments for clarity and focus. Try to ensure you have someone in your life to help you.

There are many ways to prepare for an appointment that I haven't mentioned. This blog is the perfect place to learn and share information. Remember that sharing important life enhancing suggestions is a great way to empower your life. Take action.